Aiding those with limited mobility
If you have limited mobility, the Ezi-Make will make life a lot easier.
You won’t have to strain, bend or extend your body to make the bed anymore.
If you have limited mobility, the Ezi-Make will make life a lot easier.
You won’t have to strain, bend or extend your body to make the bed anymore.
You’re less likely to hurt yourself when using the ezi-make™ and best of all, it fits any bed!
The ezi-make™ is the simplest and easiest way to make your bed – anyone can do it!.
Take the hassle out of making your bed! The ezi-make™ takes just 2 minutes to install!
The Ezi-Make is suitable for just about everybody.
Is your mattress just too heavy? let Ezi-Make do all the hard work!
It turns the chore of bed making into something incredibly easy.
Simply take two minutes to install the system and start seeing the difference.
He has designed mattresses to address difficult sleeping issues, including injury and allergies, as well as general aches and pains. David understands that deeper, heavier mattresses assist in providing a better nights’ sleep, improved well-being and a healthier life.
That’s why he pioneered the Ezi-Make, creating a bed-making solution that’s easy and safe for anyone to use. Implementation of this change within the Home Care industry represents an increase of the Safety Controls within WHS guideline to and Engineered Control Level.
This is world first for making a bed & will reduce injury to staff.
Buy Ezi-make now and save yourself when you make the bed – the Ezi way!